About the Workshop:
The workshop is a joint initiative of the ENSURING ECONOMIC and EMPLOYMENT STABILITY network, hosted by Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), and the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne. The workshop aims to bring together researchers who have work at the intersection of labor economics and macroeconomics that addresses important societal challenges. Within that confine, we invite empirical and theoretical contributions alike. We are interested in contributions on labor markets and macroeconomics in a broad sense. Among other topics, this includes inequality and the labor market, labor markets and business dynamics, cyclical considerations and the nexus of labor markets and inflation, or the interaction of labor and product market reforms.
Ilse Lindenlaub (Yale University) and Andreas Mueller (University of Texas at Austin) will deliver the keynote speeches.
Approximately 10 papers will be selected for presentation. All presentations will be in plenary sessions, and each paper will be assigned a discussant. Please submit a paper or an extended abstract to wiso-ees@fau.de no later than February 19, 2024. Preference will be given to complete papers. We will cover two nights of hotel accommodation.
- FAU: Benjamin Lochner, Christian Merkl
- University of Bonn: Christian Bayer, Brigitte Hochmuth, Keith Kuester
Location: Bonn
Date: May 27 – May 28, 2024
Submission Deadline: February 19, 2024