4th European Midwest Micro/Macro Conference (EM³C)

On December 2-3, 2022, the 4th European Midwest Micro/Macro Conference (EM ³C) will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. The conference will focus an the role of microdata for macroeconomics. Microdata for the purposes of EM³C is broadly defined and includes (but is not limited to) survey data, administrative data, experimental data, expectations data, etc. Work with new, previously unexplored microdata is especially welcome. The macro part of EM³C is also broadly defined and includes growth and business cycle topics, fiscal and monetary policy, consumption, investment, labour topics, price setting, sentiment and uncertainty research, etc.


Sponsors and organizers:

The conference is sponsored by ECONtribute: Markets and Public Policy, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, safeFBDC, and the European Research Council (ERC), and is hosted at Frankfurt School. EM³C is a joint initiative of economists working at the intersection of micro and macro in Europe and the US Midwest. Scott Baker (Northwestern University and NBER) is the lead organizer this year and Benjamin Born (Frankfurt School and CEPR) is the local organizer.

Please see the porgram here. If you want to join, please send an email to mokuhn@uni-bonn.de


02.12. - 03.12.2022

Research Event

Local organiser

Benjamin Born ( Frankfurt School and CEPR)


Frankfurt School


Prof. Dr. Moritz Kuhn

University of Bonn

M mokuhn@uni-bonn.de