The Cluster ECONtribute cordially invites submissions to the first ECONtribute Young Economist Workshop in Applied Economics. The idea is to promote exchange between junior researchers in Bonn and Cologne. The (full day) workshop will take place on October 1, 2021 in Cologne or virtual.
The workshop is intended for young researchers (PhD, Post-Doc, Junior-Prof) in the fields of applied economics from Bonn and Cologne. It is also possible to attend the workshop without presenting.
The workshop will consist of
- Full papers or ongoing project presentations (25 min, 5 min discussant and 5 min questions from the audience)
- (Early) ideas presentations (10 min + 5 min discussion)
- Social gathering (at own expenses).
With the uncertainty of COVID-19, we cannot yet commit to the conference modality, but we are committed to running an online Congress regardless of the situation and remain hopeful that the situation will evolve favorably for an in-person event.
Submission and registration:
The deadline for submissions is 18:00, Tuesday 31 August 2021.
Accepted authors will be notified by September 3. Please send your paper or an abstract of the project you would like to present to Please also indicate whether you wish to present a full paper or ongoing project (25 min) or early stage work (10 min).
In case you only want to attend the workshop without presenting, please register by sending a mail indicating your interest to until 18:00, Friday 10 September 2021.
Contact and Organizers:
Carina Neisser (University of Cologne):
Max Thon (University of Cologne):
The deadline for submissions is 18:00 (CEST), Tuesday 31 August 2021. Accepted authors will be notified by September 3.
Date of the workshop: October 1, 2021, 09:00-18:00