ECONtribute Research Workshop: Science Meets Practice: AI in HR

ECONtribute invites to the research workshop on “Science Meets Practice: AI in HR”. The workshop will take place in German.

In addition to scientific presentations on the topic, practitioners who use AI for different  HR matters will report on their work. These include, for example, the
AI for employee recruitment (L’Oréal, 100 words) or talent management (DPDHL). In addition, academics and practitioners will discuss the possibilities, developments and trends in the application of artificial intelligence in the context of human resource management. During the coffee and lunch breaks there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas in an informal setting.


Registration is open unil September 9, 2022 via mail to David Stommel or Saskia Opitz.


16.09. - 16.09.2022

10:00 - 16:30

Research Event


Saskia Opitz

David Stommel


Universität zu Köln – Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät