Immobilienpreise – Nützlicher Knappheitsindikator oder Abbild der Schere zwischen Arm und Reich?

The conference language is German.

The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building and the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute cordially invite you to the conference “Real Estate Prices – Useful Scarcity Indicator or Image of the Gap between Rich and Poor?

During the conference, Cluster member Moritz Schularick will present previously unpublished data on regional property prices in Germany. US urban planner and property developer Jonathan Rose will give a keynote speech. Finally, Federal Minister Klara Geywitz will discuss possible ways out of the housing crisis with guests from politics, science, business and society.

Invitations to the event will be sent out personally.

There will be an opportunity to obtain the data after the event.

If you are interested in the data, please send an email to and we will send it to you afterwards.


12:30 - 15:30

Public Event

Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen

Krausenstraße 17 -18, 10117 Berlin

Katrin Tholen

PR Manager