Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank (University of Cologne) “Love in the times of COVID-19: How the pandemic affects partnerships”.
On November 10, ECONtribute invites you to the first virtual event of the lecture series “Reinhard Selten Equal Opportunity Talks (ReStart)”.
The COVID-19 pandemic and its accompanying restrictions have hit hard not only the labor market, but families in particular. Based on data from a special survey of the relationship and family panel “pairfam”, which allow to compare the situation immediately before and during the corona crisis, the talk considers immediate effects of the pandemic on partnerships in Germany. The focus is on two central aspects of partnerships, namely (1) relationship satisfaction and (2) the division of housework and childcare between partners. In addition to some significant changes, the findings also point to a considerable stability of established behavioral patterns in couple relationships.
With its new lecture series ReStart, ECONtribute sets a special focus on gender equality issues. Several times a year, experts from the cluster and high-ranking guests give lectures that highlight various gender equality aspects and bring them closer to a broad audience from academia and the interested public.
The event will take place online via Zoom.
17:00 – Welcome and introduction of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute and the lecture series ReStart (Barbara Boelmann).
17:10 – Lecture “Love in the times of COVID-19: How the pandemic affects partnerships” (Prof. Dr. Karsten Hank)
17:45 – Discussion with the audience
18:15 – virtual reception
18:30 – end of the event
ReStart Reinhard Selten Equal Opportunity Talk – Karsten Hank (Universität zu Köln)
17:00 - 18:30