The Universities of Bonn and Cologne jointly hosted a memorial conference in honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. Reinhard Selten (1930 – 2016) on April 28, 2017 in Bonn.
Paying tribute to Selten’s outstanding contributions to economics, the newly founded Reinhard Selten Institute (previously named Bonn-Cologne Research Institute in Economics) was inaugurated by the rectors of Universities of Bonn (Prof. Michael Hoch) and Cologne (Prof. Axel Freimuth).
The renowned speakers Prof. Ehud Kalai (Northwestern University Evanston), Prof. Yan Chen (University of Michigan), Prof. Manfred Milinski (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology), and Prof. Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University) presented work connected to or inspired by Selten’s research. The conference was very well received by 160 international participants.
Press and Communication
Katrin Tholen
ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy