The Universities of Bonn and Cologne jointly founded the Reinhard Selten Institute (initially named Bonn-Cologne Research Institute in Economics).
The rectors of the University of Bonn (Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch) and the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Axel Freimuth) signed a cooperation agreement which will strengthen the cooperation of both universities in the field of economics. The RSI pays tribute to Nobel Laureate Reinhard Selten (1930–2016) and will be led by his former students Prof. Dr. Benny Moldovanu (University of Bonn) and Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach (University of Cologne) as founding directors. The institute’s mission is to promote independent thinking, excellent research and innovative methodological approaches in economics and related areas.
Press and Communication
Katrin Tholen
ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy