Equity and Diversity at ECONtribute

Promoting equity and diversity is a central structural objective of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy. Since its start in January 2019, ECONtribute has implemented a wide range of measures to promote equity and diversity. In recognition of its commitment to workplace equality, ECONtribute received the Jenny-Gusyk-Preis in 2019.

Our evidence-based approach draws on insights from ECONtribute’s research and addresses equity and diversity as a nuanced and multi-dimensional challenge. It is based on five key pillars that reflect a comprehensive strategy for fostering equity and inclusion at all levels of academia.

Promoting Equity in Recruiting and Promotions

ECONtribute is committed to increasing the representation of women and other underrepresented groups in academia. Therefore, ECONtribute actively works to improve diversity in recruitment and promotion. We have successfully implemented a cascade model, ensuring proportional representation in hiring and promotion decisions. The Cluster also promotes the career development of early-career researchers – especially those from underrepresented groups – through mentoring programs and targeted support.

Another important objective is to enlarge the pool of researchers from underrepresented groups in the early stages of the academic career, starting at the undergraduate level. Together with the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, the Cluster organizes events such as the national “Girls’ Day” to advertise the attractiveness of our research fields.

Fostering an Inclusive Environment

ECONtribute prioritizes the creation of an inclusive environment where researchers from diverse backgrounds can thrive. Our strategy is based on efforts at both the individual and structural levels. It includes targeted training to combat cognitive biases and gender stereotypes, promote inclusive behavior, and prevent discrimination. By fostering an environment that values and supports diversity, we aim to ensure that all members feel welcome and respected in their daily interactions.

Promoting diversity in committees and leadership positions

ECONtribute strives for diverse representation in leadership roles and decision-making committees. A notable example is the job-sharing model in the leadership of our Cluster. It allows our spokespersons to balance career and family life. This approach not only supports gender diversity, but also helps to normalize flexible working arrangements for all.

Raising Awareness, Providing Role Models, and Fostering Networks

One of the Cluster’s goals is to provide information and raise awareness of equity and diversity issues, not only within the Cluster, but also in society at large. To this end, the Cluster has established a public lecture series, the ReStart: Reinhard Selten Equal Opportunity Talk. Twice a year, leading ECONtribute scholars and distinguished guest speakers hold public lectures on equity and diversity topics to raise awareness and encourage a discourse among the profession and the broader public.

ECONtribute actively invites researchers from underrepresented groups from renowned universities for temporary research visits and seminar presentations. The Cluster encourages the visitors to offer courses and mentoring events and to serve as role models to our students and junior faculty.

In addition, ECONtribute regularly organizes women’s lunches and informal meetings between female visitors, faculty, and students. CoffECON is an event organized by our female YEP students. These events provide an opportunity for female early-career researchers to cultivate professional networks and create a community of female researchers around the Cluster.

Supporting Family-Career Balance

Balancing family needs and career can be challenging. We provide structural measures and resources to help our members make time for both – through childcare support, parental leave benefits and flexible work arrangements. For example, the Cluster funds childcare facilities at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne.

We also provide access to daycare facilities, parent-child offices, and funding for short-term childcare needs. These measures help all Cluster members, particularly those with young children, to pursue their academic careers without sacrificing their family responsibilities.

The Cluster addresses the challenge of balancing family needs and career.