ECONtribute Research Workshop: Field Days

ECONtribute invites to the ECONtribute Research Workshop: Field Days – Experiments outside the laboratory. This workshop brings together researchers who conduct field experiments to present and discuss their work. The organizers aim to include field experiments on a broad set of topics, including methodological advances. This year, the workshop will take place online. As usual, we expect this to be a small workshop so that the participants can receive high quality feedback.

Keynote lecture by Prof. Maximilian Kasy (University of Oxford)


The workshop will take place online on Thursday, December 2, 2021 from approximately 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Central European Time (CET).


You can register to attend here until December 1, 2021. Submitting a paper is not necessary to attend.


Thursday, 02.12.2021

01:50 – 02:00 Welcome Matthias Heinz & Dirk Sliwka

02:00 – 02:30 Coordination and the Poor Maintenance Trap: an Experiment on Public Infrastructure in India Antonella Bancalari, University of St Andrews

02:30 – 03:00 Tackling Sexual Harassment: Experimental Evidence from India Karmini Sharma, University of  Warwick

03:00 – 03:10 Break

03:10 – 03:40 Cheap Talk Messages for Market Design: Theory and Evidence from a Labor Market with Directed Search John Horton, MIT

03:40 – 04:10 (Mis)allocation of Managerial Training Within the Firm Achyuta Adhvaryu, University of Michigan

04:10 – 04:20 Break

04:20 – 04:50 Forced Displacement, Mental Health, and Child Development: Evidence from the Rohingya Refugees Abu Siddique, Technical University of Munich

04:50 – 05:20 The Long-Run Effects of Psychotherapy on Depression, Beliefs, and Preferences Gautam Rao, Harvard University

05:20 – 05:50 Flash session I

Centrality-Based Spillover Effects Michael Vlassopoulos, University of  Southampton

Does Scarcity of Female Instructors Create Demand for Diversity among Students? Evidence from an M-Turk Experiment Giulia Savio, Bocconi University

Does Voice Increase Political Engagement? Evidence From a Natural Field Experiment Lukas Hensel, Peking University

05:50 – 06:00 Break

06:00 – 06:30 Flash session II

Adverse Effects of Control: Evidence from a Field Experiment Holger Herz, University of Freiburg

How to Improve Payroll Tax Compliance of Small Firms? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment Philipp Doerrenberg, University of Mannheim

Breaking the Silence – Group Discussions, Social Pressure, and the Adoption of Health Technologies Clarissa Mang, LMU Munich

06:30 – 07:30 Keynote How To Run an Adaptive Field Experiment Max Kasy, University of Oxford

07:30 – 07:45 Wrap-Up & Farewell Matthias Heinz & Dirk Sliwka

ECONtribute Research Workshop: Field Days - Experiments outside the laboratory


14:00 - 19:30


Research Event

Local Organizers

Claudia Töpper (University of Cologne)
Sander Kraaij (University of Cologne)