Main research topics
Market design, auction theory and practice, bargaining theory, incentives, behavioral economics, experimental economics, game theory, industrial organization, and microeconomics.
Peter Cramton is Professor of Economics at the University of Cologne and the University of Maryland (Emeritus 2018). He conducts research in market design, especially the auctioning of many related products. His research appears in leading economics journals. Peter is an independent director on the board of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and an advisor and chief economist to several companies. In 2015 he won the Utah Winter Finance Conference Best Paper Award and in 2014 the AQR Insight Award for most insightful unpublished paper in finance. He received his B.S. in Engineering from Cornell University in 1980 and his Ph.D. in Business from Stanford University in 1984.
Published papers
An Open-Access Market for Global Communications
Cramton, P., Bohlin, E., Brandkamp, S., Dark, J., Hoy, D., Kyle, A. S., Malec, D., Ockenfels, A., & Wilkens, C. (2024). An Open-Access Market for Global Communications. Telecommunications Policy, 48(9), 102820. -
Market Design, Human Behavior and Management
Chen, Y., Cramton, P., List, J. A., & Ockenfels, A. (2020). Market Design, Human Behavior, and Management (No. w26873). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Discussion papers
Price Responsive Demand in Britain’s Electricity Market
Resilient Electricity Requires Consumer Engagement
Electricity Markets in Transition: A Multi-Decade Micro-Model of Entry and Exit in Advanced Wholesale Markets
Local Flexibility Market
Flow Trading
Fostering Resiliency with Good Market Design: Lessons from Texas