With the Selten Salon, ECONtribute hosts an event series for the broader audience, making leading research accesible and easy understandable. You can find an overview over the speakers as well as videos of the recorded Selten Salons below as well as on our Youtube channel. The events are held in German.
Selten Salon with Claudia Buch (Deutsche Bundesbank)
…on “”Is the German business model in danger? Where are the opportunities for Germany as a business location?””, 22nd of February 2024 at Uniclub Bonn.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrike Malmendier Copyright: Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft
Claudia Buch was speaker at the Selten Salon 2022. Copyright: Frank Rubenhorst
Selten Salon with Claudia Buch (Deutsche Bundesbank)
…on “The Importance of Financial Stability for the Society”, 10th of June 2022 at studio dumont, Cologne
Selten Salon 2021 with Christian Dustmann (University College London)
…on “The Effects of Migration – Facts, Fiction and Perception” // 23rd of September 2021, University Club Bonn
Christian Dustmann welcomed the participants during the second Selten Salon 2021.
Christiane Woopen spoke at the Selten Salon 2021.
Selten Salon 2021 with Christiane Woopen (Center of Life Ethics, University of Bonn)
…on “The Pandemic and its big Ethical Questions” // 28th of April 2021, online
Selten Salon 2019 with Matthias Doepke (Northwestern University, USA)
…on “Raising Children from an Economic Perspective: Of Inequality, Helicopter Parents and Tiger-Mamas” // 23rd of September 2019, University Club Bonn
Matthias Döpke during the Selten Salon 2019. Copyright: Volker Lannert / Uni Bonn