The Research Area “Markets & Values” of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute invites contributions for a 3-day workshop that will bring together both senior experts as well as promising young researchers from all over the world to network and present new ideas and novel evidence on social image and moral behavior.
The organizers look forward to fruitful discussions and presentations on questions such as: How do markets shape image concerns? How are social norms and social image interrelated? How does moral image evolve in dynamic settings (e.g., moral hypocrisy, moral disengagement, moral licensing)? How is our image affected by the behavior of those around us? What are the (psychological) mechanisms that people use to enhance their self- and social image? What are novel ways to measure image concerns and their implications? What can (and should) institutions do to counter or bolster image concerns?
Keynote speakers:
Roland Bénabou (Princeton University)
Christine L. Exley (Harvard Business School)
In addition, there will be 18 non-parallel live presentations of about 30 minutes plus a session of live blitz talks (5 min). There will be no participation fee.
Contact and Organizers:
Arno Apffelstaedt (C-SEB & ECONtribute, University of Cologne)
Bernd Irlenbusch (C-SEB & ECONtribute, University of Cologne)